Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2011

NaNo 2011

So, the newNano-Website launched yesterday - it brought home to me that (a) Nanowrimo is coming up fast, (b) After procrastinating for a whole year, I still have no idea on how to finish my novel, and (c) I had totally forgotten about my blog.  ^^;;;

I freely admit, I feel a little bit ashamed of that... Okay, perhaps a bit more than that. *sigh*

Thing is: I don't even have an excuse. So, here it is, somehow I had completely forgotten about the blog. But, I am more than ready to start fresh into this year's Nano (and hopefully to a more regular updating rythm here).

You can look forward to:
- an update on what exactly my Doctor Who RPG group has been up to,
- a report on how my preparations for Nanowrimo 2011 are coming along,
- and an extended talk about my newest RPG project (concerning a certain Gamebook I've been working on).

Again, I'm sorry for not updating for nearly half a year. *sweatdrop*
I hope you can forgive me.

See ya 'round soon.

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