Donnerstag, 9. September 2010

Pocket RPGs

I bought two new RPGs today. Technically, I wouldn't have had to since I already owned the pdf-versions of both, but I really enjoyed those, and it's always a good thing to suport the smaller systems, right?

So, I am now the owner of a paperback-version of "1W6 Freunde" and "Funky Colts".

"1W6 Freunde" is a small pocket RPG were the playercharacters are teenaged detectives (much like in the old series we all liked so much, e.g. TKKG, Die drei ???, etc). The system itself is very simple and really more narration oriented than anything else. If anyone's interested, the core book can still be downloaded for free here at Prometheus Games.

"Funky Colts" is also a bit retro. It's an RPGsystem that allows the players to create one of these incredible funky action-shows from the seventies or eighties television. Anything from "A-Team" to "Starsky & Hutch" or "Miami Vice" is possible. Pretty cool thing. The system reminds me a bit of the new "Dr. Who"-one. Not only because of tests and all these things, but also because it is very much oriented towards episodic play. The whole game can be downloaded for free at Projekt Kopfkino.

Of course, both of these downloadable files are in German, but I guess, that's not so bad. ;-)

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