Sonntag, 26. September 2010

OST - Day One

The first day of the 20th OST (Oldenburger Spieletage) has come and gone, and I feel it was a success. Not only did I meet a lot of people who I hadn't seen in a while (always a nice thing to happen), I also played a great game of Call of Cthulhu there.
Actually, I was game master, but that does count, doesn't it? ;-)

The adventure we played is called "Judas Prokaryot" - an adventure set in modern day Germany (or actually any big city you'd like to place it in), in which the PCs are members of a special team from the health department, dealing with an incredibly strange epidemic that's ravaging their city. All in all, it took us 4 and a half hours to finish and it worked magnificently. (It was easy to see, why this adventure won first place in the Cthulhu NOW adventure contest.)
For anyone interested, you can download the adventure here (at the Cthulhu-blog).

 And now, I'm off to the second day, which will hopefully be as much fun as the last one. This time it's Doctor Who I am refereeing.

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