Samstag, 30. Oktober 2010

NaNoWriMo - countdown running....

The countdown's started running in earnest now. Only 1 day and 12 hours left. I'm really starting to get nervous now. And, wouldn't you believe it, I even have a plot - even though I promised myself, I would start November without one. I even have a subplot! If I wasn't so excited about that, it would be a bit embarrassing ;-)
It wasn't even difficult to come up with it. Once I had managed to put the main story idea down unto paper, everything else just seemed to come out, too. As if it had just been waiting for me to start. Of course, at this point I can only hope that it will keep going like this during the whole of next month...

I also took the chance to participate in some Word Wars over at the Schreibwerkstatt. It's something I can only recommend doing sind it helped me tremedously. The simple fact that you only have 15 or 30 minutes for writing something (anything!) will get you going no matter what. Personally, I used the WWs to write down anything plot-related that came to mind, which certainly helped fill in a lot of plot holes I had previously.

Concerning my story, I still have some gaping holes in the historical background or even the working of my fantasy world. But I hope that these  will close themselves during November. I've also started to put down every idea that occurs to me in my scrapbook already. It would be a shame to forget them again, just because I had them in october after all...

So, all in all, I am terribly nervous. And excited at the same time. This will be the first Nano I participate in, so I guess that's understandable. But even after all those weeks of preparaton time my enthusiasm hasn't dimmed yet, which I take as a good omen. Unfortunately, I will be really busy at work in the first days of november, so I decided to simply keep working on my plot and brainstorm some more ideas in that time. At least that way, those days won't be a complete loss then. ;-)

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