I've gotten a few new rpg books since my last post (Which was a long time ago. Again. Darn. I had hoped that I would get better at posting frequently, but I guess that it's just not going to happen. *sigh*)
But I'll at least give you an overview over what is new on my book shelf. :-)
Die Janus Gesellschaft |
On of my new acquisitions for "Call of Cthulhu" is "Die
Janus-Gesellschaft", a 1920s sourcebook that allows player characters to
join a fictional secret society. It's a Pegasus Press original, and as
usual it is very well done. Some very interesting additional stuff that had to be left out
due to page restraints can be downloaded for free at
Cthulhus Ruf.
Let's face it: "Die Janus-Gesellschaft" is not my most favourite Cthulhu book, but it's
a very solid work. And it offers a very detailed background for
campaigns in the Twenties. I'd compare it to Pagan Publishings "Golden
Dawn" sourcebook - with the one diference that the "Janus Gesellschaft" is set in the 1920s.
Cthulhus Ruf #3 |
The 3rd issue of the fanzine "Cthulhu's Ruf" brings us an updated edition of the "Pirates"-Setting for CoC. I've waited for this for YEARS! The rules come in a special supplement to the main magazine, which is a nice gimmick. It also includes a description of the town of Lübeck, two full fledged scenarios (one set in the 1920s, the other set in the Middle Ages).
The rework of the "Pirates"-Rules must have taken a long time, and I can feel the enthusiasm that went into them. I can't wait to try out the new cloak-and-dagger fighting rules. Also, the rules for "home ports", the new professions, and the tipps for creating adventures in the Carribean are great. It's wonderful to have Cthulhu Pirates back!
The Time Traveller's Companion |
I know I wasn't the only one who waited for this book with baited breath. Suffice to say: It was totally worth it. The "Time Traveller's Companion" is a great sourcebook for every GM that wants to bring more time travel (and more Time Lords) into their DWAITAS game. I'm definitly going to make use of this a lot in my campaign. I absolutely adore the extended regeneration rules for Time Lords. Chapters 4 and 9 are treasure troves for all things temporal (temporal phenomena, temporal devices, temporal backlash, and so on). If you can't create some mind-boggling adventures with this book - then you should find yourself a new hobby...
The First Doctor Sourcebook |
2013 marks the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who! It's a reason for celebration, not only at the BBC, but also at Cubicle 7. The publishers have therefore decided to bring us 11 sourcebooks - one for each Doctor. The undertaking itself boggles the mind.
"The First Doctor Sourcebook" introduces the 1st Doctor, his granddaughter Susan, his earlliest companions and adventures. It's a great overview over the Doctor's first years for everyone who hasn't managed to watch the old episodes yet. Even the lost episodes have their place in the book. Allies are mentioned, as well as enemies encountered by the First Doctor. The book also gives tipps on how to run adventures in the style of the First Doctor - and it provides a truly astounding number of adventure hooks.
By the way, the
community created an "Unofficial First Doctor Sourcebook" which includes all the enemies, allies, places and adventures not included in the official one, and which can be downloaded for free on the
community's board. An additional 104 pages to the official 160 pages. You won't find more information on the first Doctor anywhere on the net!
The Second Doctor Sourcebook |
Yes, when I said that Cubicle 7 plans to publish one sourcebook for every incarnation of the Doctor - I meant exactly that. So, let me present "The Second Doctor Sourcebook". Published only last month, it's structured exactly as the "First Doctor Sourcebook" is - with the obvious exeption that it is about the second Doctor. But again, it includes background on the Second Doctor, his companions, his enemies, allies, and adventures. It also gives tipps again on how to create adventures in this eras style.
The "Doctor Sourcebooks" are a really great idea. I love re-reading all those old adventures, and the story hooks provided are generally very good. These two book alone could keep me playing for a whole year. Also, the additional traits provided with each book are a wonderful idea.
At this rate, I am really looking forward to the "Third Doctor Sourcebook". It would cover the Doctor's UNIT-years, which should be very interesting considering that my campaign occasionally plays out an episode there.
So, these are my newest acquisitions. I can recommend them all. Although, I was a bit dissatisfied with the "Janus-Gesellschaft". I feel that they could have done more with the book. But this is me complaining on a high level. The book is as good as Pagan's "Golden Dawn" one was - it's just that I am used to even better things coming from Pegasus Press...
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