Samstag, 19. Mai 2012

RPG Stuff 2012

First, let me say that I am horribly sorry for neglecting this blog for so long.

In my defence: I was really busy with coordinating and hosting our local creative writing group. (As anyone who checked my LiveJournal in the last month, will have noticed.) Actually, I have finished a first plot outline for my novel! How cool is that? I'm still astounded by that. Unfortunately it's exactly that: a first draft. And it has already become obvious that I'll have to rewrite the second act completely, but I'm not complaining. It's going forward and if I keep up with it, I'll probably finish writing the novel's first draft during this years Nanowrimo...

That said, I figured it was time to dive back into RPGing. I have only mastered a game once this year, and I feel that this lack of creative self-fulfilment is really bugging me. To be honest, I'm currently suffering of some kind of roleplaying withdrawal. I'm sure most long-time Gamers out there can relate...

So, here is what I am going to do:
Over the next weeks (and probably months) I will, little by little,  post those rpg related things that have accumulated on my desk and harddrive over the last year. Among these are: Summaries of the DWAiTaS Adventures I've already run with my gaming group (we are currently at episode 8 of 14), a small RPG System I created with a friend, recaps of game sessions (mostly regarding Call of Cthulhu), reviews of game books and other products. I have also started to sort through my notes on adventures I've written over the years and I'm planning to put them into proper written form. I plan to do so in German, but I'll still put summaries in English online (got to practise my English :-).

So, stay tuned for more posts soon.

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