Dienstag, 2. November 2010

Nano report: Day 1

Yesterday, I had quite a day. Not only did I work so much that both of my knees were hurting enough to turn me bedridden in the evening, I also started into Nanowrimo. More than that, I actually wrote the whole prologue of my novel. 2030 words on the whole. Not so bad, considering that I was ready to fall into my bed the moment I came home. ^^;;;

My favourite sentence in the prologue:
"He did not expect Death to come in rather sensible leather shoes."

But something else happened, too: I finally got my copy of the 1st book of the new "Beyond the Mountains of Madness" campagne for Call of Cthulhu. I'm proud to report, that this German version is much more than a mere translation. It seems to be a completely reworked and expanded campagne. Pegasus will publish the whole camapgne in three books - adding up to over 850 pages on the whole. I haven't started reading yet, as I fear that once I start, Nanowrimo will be forgotten. But as soon as I feel save (or fall into a writing depression) I'll give you a review of the book. Honestly, not even the second day of Nanowrimo has passed, and I'm already tempted to drop out... *sigh*

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